7 Steps to Health

1. Peaceful Living

2. Pure Food

3. Proper Exercise

4. Plenty of water

5. Prayer

6. Fresh air and Sunlight

7. Rest

Popular Health Diets
1. Sad Standard American Diet: b- donuts or muffin, coffee and oj, s- bagel cream cheese, l- burger, ff, soda, s- candy bar, d-meat, potatoes roll, green beans, ice cream

2. Vegetarian (genesis , hallelujah)- This diet ranks as perhaps the oldest of all specialty diets.  Appearance of a great life style.
Benefits- focus is on fruits and veggie.  Avoids junk food It decreases the toxic burden on the body.
Downside- Deprives body of essential nuts, if you do not know what you are doing.

3.  Raw Food Diet- relative of the veggie diet some even eat raw meat
B- Advantages of veg. Diet.  Eating plenty of org fruits and veggie as well as nuts. 
D-side- same as veggie as well as extremely hard to stay on.

4.  Anticandidia Diet-
B- This diet is attempts to starve the candida by eliminating sugar in every form as well as fermented foods. Naturally fermented foods using probiotic cultures are highly recommended in the fight against candida.  Avoiding these foods also lowers carb consumption, which can help people balance blood sugar and hormones.  It may also help in weight control in some people.
D-side- Hard to follow and excludes many healthy foods (fruits and honey)

5.  Balanced Macro nutrient ratios diet (Zone)- 40% carb, 30% protein and fat.  Diet focuses on 2 blood sugar hormones, fat storing hormones, and the fat releasing hormone.
B- Great improvement over high carb, low fat diets.  Leads to more balanced blood sugar levels and a reduction of inflammation.  Often leads to weight loss.
D-side- Quality of food you eat.  Noticeable shortage of fat-soluble vits A & D.

6.  Low Carb Diet (Atkins & South Beach) Most popular diets right now.  Mimic fasting or starvation by reducing carb intake enough to induce a physical state called Ketosis in which the body metabolism speeds up and hunger urges are suppressed.
B- With the combination of hunger suppression, consuming fewer and burning fat reserves.  People on these diets lose wight
D-side- Many people end up having kidney problems over the years.  I do know someone who ended up in the hospital because of these diets.

7.  Food combing and Acid/Alkaline Diets-
B- Most people tend to be overly acidic, both of these diets can be beneficial.  Ex - Eat melons alone
D-side- People have a hard time staying on these diets as a lifestyle.

8.  Blood Type Diets-
B- Low calorie healthy diet
D-side- Hard to stay on I have tried.

I Recommend that you have a blood test which shows you deficiencies and a hair analysis to show mineral deficiencies and toxins

Alice Marie