Saturday, March 23, 2013

Olive Leaf and its Uses

     Traditionally, the olive branch symbolized peace between opposing people or countries.  It subsequently became part of the United Nations logo in concert with its mission of peace.  The olive tree is among the oldest living plant species.  Related to the ash, jasmine and lilac, olive trees have symbolic as well as practical value.  Many think of olives and olive oil in only terms of culinary ingredients.  But the by-products from olive trees have had countless other uses throughout history.  Olive oil illuminated Mediterranean houses.  It was used as axle grease by Roman legions and lubricated machines during the Industrial Revolution.  The highly prized wood was and is used in fine cabinetry.

     Olive's usefulness extends beyond culinary, industrial and household applications.  It has powerful medicinal properties, as well.  Although the knowledge of olive leaf's benefits dates back to the 1800s, it was not until 1995 that the therapeutic component was discovered.  This discovery showed the remarkable value of the powered extract to inhibit or kill viruses and almost every other kind of micro-organisms.  It is by far the most useful, wide-spectrum anti-microbial herb available today.

     Virus bacteria, yeast and other fungi and parasites, all of which tax the immune system, are more prevalent than ever, and increasingly harder to combat.  As the price of antibiotics decreases, so does their effectiveness.  It is most disturbing that bacterium's resistance to antibiotics  has alarmingly increased, in part due to overuse and misuse of drugs.  The cost of newer antibiotics has skyrocketed,
leaving the purse lighter and the immune system weaker than ever.  That is why the use of olive leaf is so important.  And happily, it is relatively inexpensive, highly effective alternative for certain types of conditions.
     It is an excellent remedy to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.  It is also useful for heart arrhythmia.  Some other conditions that favorably respond to olive leaf are:

  • Blood sluggishness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Colds
  • Hemorrhoid pain
  • Hiatal hernia
  • HIV
  • Insulin dependence
  • Internal parasites and ringworm
  • Malaria and other exotic diseases
  • Skin ailments, such as athlete's foot and psoriasis
  • Ticks and mites
  • Ulcers
  • Yeast infections
Love to all