Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Step Your Way to Health: Key Additives to Avoid and Their Health Risk

Baby Step Your Way to Health: Key Additives to Avoid and Their Health Risk: "Here is a list to help you with your baby-steps to health Hydrogenated Fats - Cardiovascular disease, obesity Artificial Food Colors - ..."

Key Additives to Avoid and Their Health Risk

Here is a list to help you with your baby-steps to health

Hydrogenated Fats - Cardiovascular disease, obesity

Artificial Food Colors - allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, possible carcinogen

Nitrites and Nitrates - Sulfites (sulfur dioxide, metabisufites, and others)  allergic and asthmatic reactions

Sugar and Sweeteners -  obesity, dental cavities, diabetes and poglycemia, increased triglycerides ( blood fats ) or candida (yeast)

Artificial Sweeteners ( Aspartame, Acesulfame K and Saccharin) behavioral problems, hyperactivity, allergies, and possibly carcinogenic.  The government cautions against the use of  any artificial sweeteners by children and pregnant women.  Anyone with PKU (phenylketonuria - a problem of phenylalanine, an amino acid, metabolism ) should not use aspartame (Nutrasweet)

MSG (monosodium glutamate) common allergic and behavioral reactions, including headaches, dizziness, chest pains, depression and mood swings; also a possible neurotoxin

Preservatives (BHA, BHT,etc.) allergic reactions, hyperactivity, possibly cancer-causing, BHT may by toxic to the nervous system and the liver

Artificial Flavors - allergic or behavioral reactions

Refined Flour - low-nutrient calories, carbohydrate imbalances, altered insulin production

Salt  (excessive) - fluid retention and blood pressures increases

Olestra (an artificial fat) - diarrhea and digestive disturbances

Hope you find this helpful

Enjoying a Happy  Healthy Life
Alice Marie